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  • 24-Jan-2023

    The ICA suspends special residency services except Dubai

    The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, and Customs & Security Ports (ICA) has suspended special Emirates ID issue/renewal services for all categories of residents except Dubai.

    The ICA has stated that special residency services (issue/renewal) will only be available to those who currently process a specific ID request, indicating that the services will remain in the account for a limited period of time.

    Unified form services will be used in requests for issuance or renewal of residency and ID.

    The issuance of residency stickers to UAE residents has been suspended since April 11. A new unified form for issuing and renewing residency and ID cards has been introduced to replace previous individual requests.

    The ICA has announced that the new generation of Emirates ID cards issued to UAE residents will have all the details previously mentioned on the residency sticker.

    This increases the value of the ID card to prove the personal identity of the individuals, taking into account the availability of personal and professional data, the issuing agency, and other data on the back of the ID card.

    The ICA has provided five steps for customers to electronically print their accommodation information through their personal or business account through the ICA website or the UAEICP smart app.

    The service map includes the department (emirate), major services (other requests), 

    Sub-services (residency details), type of procedure (printing), application data filling, review, and fee payment.

    Therefore, to print their accommodation details, customers can log on to the website, select smart channels, log in to the system with a personal or business account and select the service through the control panel.

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