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  • 19-Jan-2023

    New rules and regulations for school buses in UAE


    The UAE Public School Administrations developed rules and regulations for school buses announced.

    It has also been distributed to students and their families.  A bus driver was allowed one minute of waiting time in front of a student's home in the new school year.

    Children must always wear seat belts and not walk or stand on the seat while the bus is moving.  Students should avoid making noise and disturbing noises, keep the bus and furniture clean, not tamper with the contents, and respect the bus driver.

    Institutions have asked parents to cooperate with the administration and the transport company to ensure that students follow rules related to bus safety and security.

    Bus rules prohibit students from talking to the driver, and they must not stick their hands or heads out of the bus windows.  If a student damages or destroys the basin, they will be suspended from using it for one to three days, and the guardian will be held responsible for the damage.

    School administrators stressed that families should make sure that someone involved picks up the child when the bus drops them off at home after school.  If a parent picks up a child from school, the bus or supervisor must be notified.

    The rules prohibit a parent from entering a school bus for any reason, and if they wish to file a complaint against the driver or supervisor, they must contact the school administration.

    The circular stated that the administration and the transport organization will take the necessary action as per the code of conduct for non-compliance with the rules.

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